General medicine, also known as internal medicine, is a medical specialty that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide range of adult health issues. General medicine physicians, often called internists, are trained to manage complex and chronic medical conditions. Here are key points about general medicine:

Some treatments that are included are:

Diabetes management
Mental health assessment
hypertension management
Treatment for Asthma
Treatment for Allergies
Lung Infections
Treatment for Chronic Cough
Treatment for Sinusitis
Treatment for Tuberculosis
Treatment for Pneumonia


  1. Scope of Practice:

    • Adult Care: General medicine physicians primarily care for adults, providing comprehensive medical care across various organ systems.
    • Preventive Care: Internists emphasize preventive care, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling to promote overall well-being.
  2. Training and Education:

    • Medical Degree: General medicine physicians typically hold a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree.
    • Residency Training: After completing medical school, internists undergo residency training in internal medicine, usually lasting three years. Some may pursue additional fellowship training in subspecialties.
  3. Subspecialties in Internal Medicine:

    • While general medicine covers a broad spectrum of medical conditions, internists may also specialize in areas such as cardiology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, endocrinology, and infectious diseases.
  4. Patient Care:

    • Primary Care: Many internists serve as primary care physicians, providing comprehensive and continuous care to adults, managing routine health concerns and coordinating specialized care when needed.
    • Chronic Disease Management: Internists are skilled in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.
  5. Diagnostic Skills:

    • Problem-Solving: Internists are trained to diagnose and manage complex medical problems. They often serve as “medical detectives” in uncovering the root causes of symptoms.
  6. Hospital Medicine:

    • Hospitalists: Some internists specialize in hospital medicine, caring for patients admitted to the hospital for acute illnesses.
  7. Collaboration with Specialists:

    • While internists manage a broad range of medical issues, they collaborate with specialists when more in-depth expertise is needed for specific conditions.
  8. Preventive Medicine:

    • Internists focus on preventive measures, including health screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle interventions to reduce the risk of diseases.
  9. Continuity of Care:

    • Internists often develop long-term relationships with their patients, providing continuity of care over the course of their adult lives.
  10. Global Approach:

    • General medicine takes a holistic and patient-centered approach, considering the physical, mental, and social aspects of health.
  11. Medical Research and Education:

    • Many internists engage in medical research and contribute to medical education by teaching medical students, residents, and fellows.
  12. Electronic Health Records (EHR):

    • Internists use electronic health records to maintain accurate and accessible patient information, facilitating communication and coordination of care.
  13. Ethical Considerations:

    • Internists adhere to ethical principles, including patient confidentiality, informed consent, and respect for patients’ autonomy.